Saturday, May 17, 2008


Yesterday I partook in an interesting discussion of sorts about judgment. It was helpful to break down what the act of judgment really is- basically a comparison & contrast between 1 thing/person you know and 1 you don't in order to better assimilate them into your conceptual framework. Sounds fairly harmless, but oftentimes we turn this comparison into a value judgment about a person even based on totally superficial and meaningless criteria. Yeah, I do this pretty frequently without even consciously realizing it and it's pretty appalling. We make judgments based on small bits of information, and on what basis? Being hypocritical is completely unavoidable, that's not even really my concern per se, but we're all human beings! Meaning- we're all imperfect, none of us have any right to judge others, nor do we have the capacity for such a thing! As we're having this conversation, I realize how often I judge and focus on differences but never do I stop and consider that if nothing else, we're all people! I know that seems so obvious, perhaps why it is so often overlooked. God, I'm such a friggin' hippie sometimes... consider Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Even if you're not Christian, you have to recognize the truth in that statement- none of us are blameless, we're really all the same{in this regard}.
Adam & Eve {aka The 1st/Last Perfect People}, Thomas Cranach, 1526, oil on panel

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah. I do this too. I aggree that it's hard to notice a lot of times. I'm having to try to combat that myself.