Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stewards of the Earth

Speaking of drilling in the Arctic and using up the Earth's entire reserve of oil, thought I would throw some biblical perspective in here for fun. Many times I've heard the argument that God gave man dominion over the earth so we can rule and subdue it {Gen 1: 26-28}, but I don't feel like he's necessarily giving us license to simply exploit it as we please. The earth is an incredible gift that God made by his own hand, I'm feel that He had intended that we would use the earth as we need it, and not simply use it up without regard for its precious nature. I've also heard others say that they aren't worried about the longevity of the earth's resources because they think Jesus will return before it becomes an issue, but there's no way for us to know this. We are to be stewards of the earth, and we should take care of it not only for ourselves, but our future generations, and all the lil birds n bees n kittens.

1 comment:

S-Blizzao said...

Yes, but biblically speaking that [earthly dominion] was before the fall of mankind. Technically, we don't have rule over the world any more, therefore those that exploit the world and excuse themselves with this verse are just fooling themselves. After the fall of mankind, He (God) said that we would toil and sweat just to keep the earth's vegetation alive [Genesis 3:17-19]. I think laziness and pride (in the creation of the technology that promotes our laziness) is just catching up with us. We really don't put much work into maintaining the earth as a species in general (there are people that do take stewardship of the earth seriously, and I respect that. But I'm not talking about specific people, I'm talking about how we, the conglomerate, treat the environment), therefore it will naturally (or unnaturally, depending on wheter you look at it from creation or post-fall perspective) fade. Actually, the world would be self sufficient without us, but of all the things He created, we (humankind) are His most valued creation even if we are the most ugly and destructive. He most likely would have destroyed creation when sin entered it had we not been a vital part of it. [2 Peter 3:3-13]

I apologize for all the parentheses and tangents. I concur with your blog statements, but thought I would offer this as a similar but different perspective. The verses are real, but the rest is opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.