Monday, June 9, 2008

Girls rule, boys drool

Okay, haven't posted any "frustrated with life" entries in a while so I guess it's about that time...

Most everyone knows how that biologically speaking, girls begin to mature before boys. The other day I was lamenting about how most men my age still seem immature- not in the biological sense, but in regards to how they view themselves in sight of the rest of their lives. It seems to me that every guy I date my age is just clueless as to where they are in their life and where they might want to go- hey yo, the almighty quarter-life crisis. We women experience it, too, but it seems to me that yall boys struggle with it a bit more- or maybe it's not even a struggle for you, it's just the way it is, plain and simple. Anywho, my {female} friend tells me that the gap from us beginning to mature earlier actually still hasn't closed, and that at this point of our life, sometimes it actually gets bigger! Could this be true?! Is there logic in this universe that might explain why still the only two men I feel I can trust in this life are my fathers, heavenly and earthly?

*Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunetly this has been around for quite some time. Even in the middle ages women were suppose to be quite and reserve in life yet it was us who guided and gave our advice to our husbands and fathers. This helped them as much as it could to grow up or learn common sense. Just imagine if we women had kept our mouths shut for all this time. That would be a horrible place right now trying to find a mature responsible loyal man. Rare indeed he would be.

S-Blizzao said...

Define "mature and responsible". Sometimes there's only so much responsibility someone should take on at a time. To be honest, guys procrastinate a lot of responsibility because we can only be this free in life once. Once you're married and have more things to worry about(not that marriage is a bad thing), you can't do the same things you do when you're young. Finances and time management are completely shifted due to priorities. Not to mention, you need to have a solid career to be able to take care of many of those responsibilities. If you've seen this economy lately, it's not getting any easier to get a career with or without a degree. It's not that guys can't be responsible or don't know what being responsible means; we just understand the importance of enjoying our relationships with our friends without marriage constraints.

artschoolgirl said...

well, i'm pretty sure the meanings of mature and responsible are pretty straightforward. but at any rate, i wont take offense to your reply because you dont know me personally- but i'm not the girl gunning for marriage, and i enjoy my friendships just fine. it's just an exasperating trend i've noticed with guys vs. girls my age.